L.I To write a speech that persuades others to think the way you do.
Title: Why we should pick up other peoples rubbish.
Speech: Hi My name is Karlos and I think it is important we pick up our rubbish to take care of our earth? It is important to understand what rubbish can do to the environment and the effect it has on animals. What if you threw your rubbish onto the ground and an animal eats it and becomes sick or even dies, how would this make you feel?
First if rubbish gets thrown on the ground that’s called littering. And if that rubbish gets into the different waterways in our local area or our environment, imagine the damage it could do. 55% of kids don’t understand what littering does. If we litter our plastic bags the wind picks it up and it goes into the waterways, Turtles and other sea life can mistake our rubbish as Jellyfish which causes them to be strangled by the plastic.
Did you know that 1.4 Billion people litter their rubbish every year. Are you one of these people? If you look across the road you can see the tamaki river. We want to keep our river clean. If we don’t take care of the pollution all the sea animals in that river and other waterways may die. Some animals can help the waterways and keep it clean.
We can help get rid of this problem by picking up rubbish even if it isn’t yours to save animals and the environment. Another way of stopping this problem is by instead of using plastic bags use your reusable bag.
When we finished our speeches we had to present to either the whole class or in a small group. I did a Good Job doing my speech because after I finished it I was able to check it over and over to fix the mistakes I made. I think I could do better in the future when I do a speech is write a bit more paragraphs and add more detail to the paragraphs.